
Judge: Men linked to Brynn Bills eligible for bond

Joshua Wirgau, left, and Brad Srebnik appear in photos provided by the Alpena County Sheriff's Office and the Michigan State Police.

ALPENA — Joshua Wirgau and Brad Srebnik, two Alpena men arrested for unlawful imprisonment and weapons charges related to a Sept. 21 incident in Alpena Township, may post bond, Judge Thomas LaCross decided in Alpena’s 88th District Court on Monday.

Both men have been held without bond since their arrests on Sept. 27 and 30, respectively.

Wirgau owns the Alpena Township property where police on Sept. 28 found the body of missing teenager Brynn Bills buried behind Wirgau’s home.

Pending an autopsy, police have not classified Bills’ death as a homicide.

Police say current charges against Wirgau and Srebnik are unrelated to Bills’ disappearance and death.

According to court records, the two men and Abby Hill — an Alpena woman who police last week declared missing and possibly endangered — allegedly demanded a man drive them to an Alpena Township intersection while Wirgau held the man at gunpoint.

LaCross on Monday assigned Wirgau and Srebnik a half-million dollars cash or surety bond each. Both must wear an electronic tether if they bond out, LaCross said.

The men are next scheduled to appear in court for preliminary examinations, Wirgau on Oct. 19 and Srebnik on Nov. 2.


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