
Alpena High School to induct two into Hall of Fame

Jessica Hoppe

ALPENA — Two Alpena High School alumni will join the school’s Hall of Fame on Friday, the school announced last week.

Katie Garza, AHS class of 2008, and Jessica Hoppe, AHS class of 1997, will speak at a homecoming assembly and participate in the school’s homecoming parade before an induction ceremony prior to the Alpena High football homecoming game.

A Portage resident, Garza serves as an organizational behavior management consultant, drawing on her expertise as a board-certified behavior analyst.

Garza, recognized for her contributions to medical journals, has created tools that are used across the U.S. and in several other countries for managing supervision of behavior analysts.

With experience as clinical supervisor at Western Michigan University’s Kalamazoo Autism Center and as a specialist developing training programs and working with staff matters at an Ann Arbor corporation, Garza currently leads workshops in training and supervision of staff.

Katie Garza

Hoppe, a graduate of Tulane University Law School and Harvard Business School’s Program on Leadership Development, handles legal matters for luxury cruise line Crystal Cruises.

She has travelled around the globe in leadership roles for hospitality conglomerate Genting Malaysia, representing companies before multiple domestic and foreign government agencies.

Hoppe and her family live in Miami Beach and travel to Alpena and northern Michigan annually.

Hoppe and Garza will join a prestigious group of 53 other alumni recognized by their alma mater as leaders and community contributors. A plaque honors each inductee in the AHS Alumni Hall of Fame display at Alpena High School.


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