
Child porn case heads toward trial

News Photo by Julie Riddle Attorneys listen as Judge Thomas LaCross, appearing via videoconference, reviews the details of a child pornography case against Scott Henning in Alpena’s 88th District Court today.

ALPENA — Child pornography found on a home computer, without proof of who put it there, is enough evidence to continue a case toward trial, Judge Thomas LaCross decided today in Alpena’s 88th District Court.

Scott Henning, 29, was bound over to 26th Circuit Court on charges of possession of child sexually abusive material.

More than 100 child porn images, including six images of children younger than 10, were found on a computer seized when detectives from the Huron Undercover Narcotics Team raided a drug lab in the home where Henning was living, according to police.

Defense attorneys contended prosecutors couldn’t prove Henning loaded the photos onto the computer, which was accessible to multiple people in the house, according to testimony.

Following a preliminary examination that stretched over multiple months as the defense and prosecution argued over access to evidence, LaCross said that, though Henning was not the only user of the computer, the presence of the images constituted probable cause of Henning’s guilt. Preliminary exams are used to determine if there’s enough evidence for a case to proceed to trial.

LaCross noted that Henning is still considered innocent until proven guilty, despite today’s decision.

The one established fact of the case is that child pornography was downloaded to the computer, LaCross said.

“That that reality is there is more than troublesome,” LaCross said. “It enrages a person who is morally appropriate.It goes without saying that anybody that possesses, distributes, or looks at child sexually abusive material, there’s something really, really wrong, and they should at least seek help.”

Henning faces separate charges related to a hallucinogenic mushroom lab police say they discovered in his bedroom. The lab was found during a raid prompted by a request from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for assistance in tracking a package sent to Henning from the Netherlands. The package contained about 1,200 doses of ecstasy, according to police reports.

Henning is a former custodian at Alpena Public Schools.


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