
Drug labs busted in Alpena and Alcona counties

Courtesy Photo Police search a house in Hubbard Lake, where a drug lab producing hallucinogens was discovered on Aug. 12.

ALPENA — Active drug labs in Alpena and Alcona counties were shut down by the Huron Undercover Narcotics Team in recent weeks, police said in news releases today.

A Hubbard Lake lab was exposed after a HUNT investigation into a package received by Scott Michael Henning, 29.

U.S Customs and Border Protection and representatives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security worked with the Alpena-based HUNT to trace a package containing illegal narcotics to Northeast Michigan, leading to an Aug. 12 raid of Henning’s home and the discovery of the lab, where two hallucinogenic drugs were being manufactured. Weapons were also found at the scene.

Henning faces up to 25 years in prison on 13 felony charges levied by the Alpena County Prosecutor, with the possibility of more charges yet to come.

Meanwhile, an active methamphetamine lab on East Cedar Lake Road in Greenbush Township in Alcona County was halted by HUNT after a several-month investigation, leading to the Aug. 18 arrest of John Ray Cox, 44.

Cox is charged with six felony counts, including operating a lab in the presence of minors and operating a lab involving toxic waste.

He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. Additional arrests are expected in conjunction with the lab, according to police.


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