
Nearly a quarter of Hillman students out sick

HILLMAN — Nearly a quarter of Hillman Community Schools’ students were out sick on Monday, making that district the latest in Northeast Michigan to cancel classes because of illness.

District Health Department No. 4 Medical Director Josh Meyerson said Tuesday the flu has been widespread for about five to six weeks in Northeast Michigan.

“We are seeing more schools out this year because of the flu than in past years, and we don’t really know why that is,” he said.

After 21% of students were out sick Monday, Superintendent Carl Seiter decided Monday night that schools and all sporting events and practices were canceled the remainder of the week.

At least 75% of students must be in class for schools to get credit for the day, according to state law.

Hillman Elementary School was hit hard Monday, with about 60 students either out sick or going home sick during the school day.

Illness is also affecting Hillman staff members. Seiter said two paraprofessionals, two volunteers, and one teacher were all out sick Monday.

“It doesn’t sound like a lot, but, when subs are not available, it makes things difficult,” he said. “Many teachers were out in the last couple of weeks, and the most was four in one day.”

Alpena, Atlanta, and Rogers City schools have previously canceled class this school year, and other events, because of illness among students and staff.

“This type of flu this year is very difficult,” Seiter said. “We battle the flu bug every year, but this year and the strain of viruses are keeping kids sick for a much longer period of time.”

The district cleans and disinfects its schools every night, but Seiter said that’s all for nothing when a sick child goes back to school too early.

“We are just asking parents to check their child for fever and, if they have one, keep them home until fever-free,” he said. “The fever lasts for five to seven days, and they need to be fever-free before returning to school.”

Julie Goldberg can be reached at 989-358-5688 or jgoldberg@thealpenanews.com. Follow her on Twitter @jkgoldberg12.


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