
A century apart, loving the fair together

News Photo by Kaitlin Ryan At the Alpena County Fair, 104-year-old Edna Manning and 4-year-old Marley Howard were both exhibitors this year. Edna is the most veteran exhibitor having brougt her vegetables to the fair for about 60 years. Marley is one of the youngest exhibitors, planning to show her goat, Flash, at the Children’s Livestock Show.

ALPENA — This year, the Alpena County Fair saw its most veteran exhibitor and one of its youngest exhibitors participate.

Edna Manning was present at the fairgrounds this year to enter her vegetables in the fair. At 104 years old, Edna is the most-veteran exhibitor, having shown vegetables at the fair for almost 60 years.

At the other end of the spectrum, Marley Howard is one of the youngest exhibitors, at just 4 years old. She planned to enter her goat into the fair.

Both are local residents and proud exhibitors at the fair, with exactly 100 years’ age difference.

Edna was born on Nov. 22, 1913 and raised locally. She married in 1932 and had eight children with her husband: four boys and four girls. She said she believes she has about 25 grandchildren and many great-grandkids, but it was hard to keep track of all them, she said. Edna has lived locally all her life and loves the area.

“I think we live in the best territory in the country,” Edna said.

At the fair this year, she entered corn, potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, and tomatoes. Edna said a couple of her vegetables won first place. She joked that when she brought them this year, she told them she was the boss.

Marley was excited to bring her goat in for the Children’s Livestock Show. The show is for children 5 and younger and 4-year-old Marley planned to be there with her goat, Flash.

Marley has been raising her goat since April, and she decided to name him Flash because he moves quickly. Marley is thrilled to attend the show, and her mom said she is more excited about winning a trophy.

Kaitlin Ryan can be reached at kryan@thealpenanews.com or by phone at 989-358-5693.


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