
All for the earth

News Photo by Jordan Spence Liberty Prevost, 10, and Madisynne Wirgau, 10, play a game where they sort trash and recyclables Friday at Besser Elementary school.

ALPENA — To kick off their spring stewardship efforts Besser Elementary students explored, protected and learned about the earth Friday.

Fifth grade teacher Allison Elliott said the students spent most of the day outdoors to celebrate Earth Day, which is today. They also tried many different environmental activities.

“There are different stations for each activity,” Elliott said. “They’re picking up trash, cleaning up campus, playing an animal resource game. They’re also playing a recycling game, tailored to the city of Alpena specifically.”

All the activities were sponsored by the Northeast Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, she said.

At the end of the day the school weighed the trash everyone collected, Elliott said.

Last year studentsw cleaned up the greenhouse and planted seeds, fruits and herbs. This year they used different items such as yogurt cups and toilet paper tubes to start the seeds.

They also made bird feeders with peanut butter and bird seed.

“This whole week we’ve also learned about single use plastics and how they’re bad for the Earth,” Elliott said.

Avery Spicer, 11, said he learned a lot about plastics from Elliott.

“I went to (Kentucky Fried Chicken) for dinner one night. I made sure to ask for no straw or lid. Miss Elliott taught us that,” Spicer said.

He said the class has focused on Earth Day and science the whole week. He’s enjoyed all he’s learned because it helps the earth and “our world needs the trash picked up.”

Liberty Prevost, 10, said her favorite activity was when they planted seeds.

“I’ve always loved gardening,” she said. “I hope to have my own garden someday.”

Elliott said the day has been a busy one at the school.

“It really has been an exciting day for the kids,” she said.

Jordan Spence can be reached via email at jspence@thealpenanews.com or by phone at 358-5687.

News Photo by Jordan Spence  Liberty Prevost, 10, and Madisynne Wirgau, 10, play a game where they sort trash and recyclables Friday at Besser Elementary school.

News Photo by Jordan Spence
Liberty Prevost, 10, and Madisynne Wirgau, 10, play a game where they sort trash and recyclables Friday at Besser Elementary school.


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