
McDonald’s selling mittens to help Ronald McDonald Houses in Michigan

McDonald’s restaurants across Michigan are selling red-and-white striped mittens now through Nov. 13 to support the Ronald McDonald Houses of Western and Mid-Michigan, which provide a home away from home for more than 600 families of ill children each year.

Nearly 300 McDonald’s restaurants in Michigan are offering the mittens for a $5 donation, the proceeds of which will go to the Ronald McDonald Houses in Grand Rapids and Lansing. Mittens can also be purchased online at www.rmhmm.org. Nationwide, McDonald’s also will sell paper hand cutouts for $1, $3 and $5 donations.

The Houses offer free extended stay lodging for families with ill children receiving medical and/or mental health treatment. The Houses serve more than 600 families and patients throughout Michigan who are receiving care at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, Mercy Health, Spectrum Health, Sparrow Hospital, Pine Rest, Mary Free Bed, Forest View and other hospitals and clinics. Both Houses are open 24 hours, seven days a week.

The Mid-Michigan Ronald McDonald House features eight bedrooms and the Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan has 17 bedrooms. Both Houses offer full kitchens, laundry, support services, living rooms, areas to study, work and play, where families can also connect with each other for support.


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