
Girls enjoy Advent Tea at Trinity Episcopal Church

News Photo by Darby Hinkley About 30 young girls dressed up to attend Trinity Episcopal Church’s Advent Tea on Saturday in Alpena. Above, the girls gather for a group photo in front of the Christmas tree in the dining room at Trinity.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley Girls attending Trinity Episcopal Church’s Advent Tea fill their plates with many delicious finger foods provided by the ladies of the church.

ALPENA — About 30 young girls dressed up and came out on a snowy Saturday to attend Trinity Episcopal Church’s Advent Tea.

The girls enjoyed a delicious spread of finger foods, from savory to sweet, provided by the ladies of Trinity. They were able to select between two tea flavors served in fancy teacups. They participated in crafts, decorating angel ornaments to take home, and each girl in attendance received a beautiful porcelein doll to take home, as well. Pam Woida collected and donated many of the dolls, and some were donated by Renewed Blessings resale shop in Rogers City.

The girls also gathered to hear about the story of advent as they enter the Christmas season.


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