Pizza night Friday at VFW
ALPENA — The VFW Post 2496 Canteen on Connon Street in Alpena is hosting “Mike and Pat Pizza Night” from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday. For take-out orders, please call the canteen at 989-340-0385.
MARSP to meet Nov. 14
ALPENA — Michigan Association of School Personnel (MARSP) will hold their November meeting at noon on Thursday, Nov. 14 at the First United Methodist Church in Alpena.
Ted Fines from Habitat for Humanity Northeast Michigan will be the guest speaker.
Come enjoy a delicious catered meal for a cost of $12.50, or you can bring your own lunch if you wish, and listen to the guest speaker and hear updates on insurance and what is going on in Lansing with pensions.
Reservations need to be made to Ruth LeBarre no later than Monday, Nov. 11, by calling or texting Ruth at 989-506-8876.
Wildlife Sanctuary Board met
ALPENA — Magic in Our Midst, an Ella White field trip, and other topics were discussed at the October meeting of the Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary Board at Alpena City Hall.
Boris Gerber announced plans for Magic in Our Midst, the Nov. 9 family adventure at Island Park. Wizards will guide half-hour tours along lighted trails beginning with a welcome from the Spirit of the Island, Sah-gon-ah-ka-to, and continuing with animals “coming alive” with their stories. Tours will run every 10 minutes from 5:30 to 7:50 p.m., ending with hot chocolate and animal crackers at Duck Park at the Northland Area Federal Credit Union trailer. Free required tickets will be available at the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce.
Catherine Stedman, assisted by Lucille Bray, led a day-long program on invasive species on Oct. 10 for 80 students from Ella White Elementary School. The students were organized into four groups and rotated among several organizations. The students were guided around the Island to find, identify, and learn about the effects of the invasive species on the Island. This educational offering fits the board’s goal of environmental education and is the type of activity the board hopes to expand.
The location of the planned boot brush stations will be on each side of the bridge between Duck Park and Island Park so that people using the Island will find it handy to clean their shoes before going onto the Island. The purpose of the boot brushes is to prevent invasive species from being tracked onto Island Park. Huron Pines is providing one of the boot brushes and the Sanctuary Board is providing the other.
Kevin Fisher, liaison to the board, and Alpena City parks coordinator/harbormaster, reported that ways are being considered to solve the water problem for watering the pollinator garden in Duck Park. In other business, appreciation was expressed to Fisher for coordinating the installation of the safety repairs needed on the Island’s southeast corner fishing dock. Amber Hubbard reported on the recent Huron Pines Buckthorn removal work.