
READ Adult Literacy Program seeking tutors

ALPENA — The READ Adult Literacy Program at Alpena County Library is looking for caring individuals to join their team as tutors. This September, they are offering free training sessions from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Stillion Conference Room upstairs at the library on the following dates:

¯ Sept. 12 — Introduction to the READ Program

¯ Sept. 17 — Basic Literacy 1

¯ Sept. 19 — Basic Literacy 2

¯ Sept. 24 — English as a Second Language

¯ Sept. 26 — GED Preparation

Attend any or all sessions at no cost. Light refreshments and all materials will be provided.

Ready to make a difference? Register today by calling 989-356-6188, ext. 15 or emailing readprogram@alpenalibrary.org.

The Alpena County Library is located at 211 N. 1st Ave. in downtown Alpena.


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