CCHS Class of 1964 enjoys reunion

Courtesy Photo The Catholic Central High School Class of 1964 celebrated their 60th class reunion after a 30-year hiatus. Twenty-three classmates and 12 spouses gathered at the 19th Hole restaurant on July 23. Mary Pat Sabourin promises that the classmates will celebrate their 80th birthdays in two years with another reunion! Pictured, in front, from left, are Dave Helinski, Mary Ann (Donakowski) Gunderson, Stan Mazany, and Tom Grohowski. In the second row, from left, are Sandy (Wozniak) Baker, Lorrie LaCross, Karen Kelley, Mary Pat (Dumsch) Sabourin, Mary Jo (Gaylord) Turske, Dick Amlotte, and Art Lewandowski. In the back row, from left, are Madelyn (Tibbals) Precour, Carolyn (Donakowski) Barrette, Ed Barrette, Joe Hoppe, Chuck Turske, Ron Utecht, Mike Shiemke, Val (Collins) Peterson, Tony Kendziorski, Chuck Bruski, and Carl Tadajewski. Missing from the photo is Dennis Splitt.