
Hillman’s Blessing of the Bikes draws 138 riders from around state

Courtesy Photo Hillman’s Blessing of the Bikes and ATVs drew 138 riders on Saturday. Pictured is one of the riders cruising down the main drag in Hillman, as motorcycles line the street.

HILLMAN — One hundred thirty-eight motorcycles and quads rolled into Hillman on June 1 for the annual Blessing of the Bikes and ATVs. Bikers came from as far north as Sault St. Marie and from Midland on the south. If you like the rumble or just want to see beautiful machines, Saturday morning in downtown Hillman was the place to be!

Representatives from the local VFW Post 2356 presented the colors. Gary LaCrosse, chaplain, Christian Motorcycle Association, and Brenda Bailer and Mike Nichols, licensed layreaders, Calvary Episcopal Church Hillman provided blessings for each rider and each bike. Our senior rider was 97-year-old Raymond Campbell of Harrisville on his Harley trike! Raymond has traveled every state except Hawaii on his Harley with Alaska being his favorite touring spot…well, and Hillman, of course! Safe travels, everyone.


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