
Chamber seeking donations for fireworks show

News File Photo Fireworks burst in the sky during Alpena’s 2023 Independence Day celebrations.

ALPENA — The Fourth of July is just around the corner. Each year, the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce organizes fundraising efforts for the fireworks show.

Once again, the City of Alpena Firefighters are challenging all businesses/organizations/groups to match their $500 donation. There are only a few weeks left to finish out these fundraising efforts to meet the goal of $25,000. The Chamber is currently $6,000 shy of its goal (or 12 $500 donations). Donations of any kind are welcomed and appreciated. The fireworks are a community show.

The Fourth of July is an incredible day here in Alpena, and finishing the day off with an awe-inspiring fireworks show is what everyone looks forward to. The Chamber needs your help to make the 2024 fireworks show one to remember.

If you wish to make a donation, call the Alpena Chamber at 989-354-4181, email info@alpenachamber.com or stop in at the Chamber office at 235 W. Chisholm St., Alpena.


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