Alpena Civic Theatre gearing up for ‘The Music Man’ opening May 9
ALPENA — Alpena Civic Theatre is pleased to announce the full casting of their upcoming production of “The Music Man” by Meredith Willson.
Many will remember the show made famous by the movie of the same name starring Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. Full of lively tunes and beautiful ballads, the show promises to leave theater-goers humming the tunes for days to come.
The title role of the Music Man, A.K.A. Professor Harold Hill, will be played by Mike Furtaw.
Marian the Librarian, the subject of one of the beloved songs, will be played by Olivia Martin.
This is a family effort by the Martins — Jean Martin-Baker, who handles music direction, is Olivia’s aunt and her father, Bob Martin, will be creating the role of the train conductor.
Other principal characters are played by: Pam Swope (Mrs. Paroo), Nathan Young (Winthrop), Fallon Gandulla-Ghekiere (Amaryllis), Kevin Bey (Marcellus), Matt Southwell (Mayor Shinn), Linda Suneson (Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn), Vivian Furtaw (Zaneeta Shinn), Aria Neumann (Gracie Shinn), Colin Hainstock (Tommy Djilas). Jay Kettler, Harold Ruder, Rex Swope and Bruce Michaud will undertake the Barbershop Quartet roles. Eulalie’s posse of followers, otherwise known as the Pick-a-Little Ladies, are played by Marlo Broad, Marilyn Kettler, Kristin Loughery, and Traci Boyle. The part of Charlie Cowell will be played by Andrew MacNeill.
Rounding out the cast is an excellent ensemble featuring adults, teens and children. These players include: Dani Ayotte, Taylor Ayotte, Marty Cantleberry, Scott Edgar, Rodney Ayotte, Eric D. Collins, Alek Degen, Dawn Collins, Briana Jasso, Addison Wesaw, Callie Barber, Delilah Bobolts, Alivia Muszynski, and Adalynn Scott.
The show is directed by Kirstine Furtaw and Nan Hall, with music direction by Jean Martin-Baker, and choreography by Christine Giordano from The Dance Centre, along with Brittany Giordano as the dance coordinator. Stage management will be handled by Doreen Kriniak with assistance from Amber Vesotski. Scenic designers include Grace Morrison and Bill Powell, with technical direction by Jason Luther. Scenic painting artists are Danyeal Dorr, Nancy Mead, Reggie Bisanz, and Sarah Hainstock. Costumes for the cast of 35 will be ably handled by Mary Ann Crawford, Christine Elowsky, Virginia Hulsey, Marilyn Kettler, Sandie Badour, and Karen Brindley. Judy Beyer will be responsible for props, and Jackie Herbert will manage the running of lights and sound, along with sound design by Andrew MacNeill and lighting design by Jay Kettler. Carol Rundell will be the producer, and Bronwyn Woolman will be heading up publicity/photos, along with Julie O’Bryan and Traci Boyle. The box office is run by Fran Hamp.
Nick Stone will provide accompaniment on the keyboard, along with Jean Martin-Baker, and in the rest of the pit orchestra will be Kristin Burrone on clarinet, Randy Bouchard on drums, and Dave Lawrence on bass.
The Music Man runs Thursday through Sunday, May 9 through 12, and May 16 to 19. Evening performances begin at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 per adult, $8 per student. The box office will be open starting April 29. At that time, you may call the box office to make a reservation at 989-354-3624 and leave a message with your name and number, and you will receive a call back. ACT is located at 401 River St., Alpena.