
Vernon T. Jones releases new book, ‘Winding Paths — My Spiritual Pilgrimage’

Vernon T. Jones

ALPENA — Former Alpena resident, Vernon T. Jones, just had his third book published, “Winding Paths — My Spiritual Pilgrimage,” joins his two previous books, “Discipleship — A Lifelong Spiritual Pilgrimage” (2013) and “Nourishment for the Spiritual Pilgrimage” (2017), written to help people on their spiritual journey.

“Winding Paths — My Spiritual Pilgrimage: Life Stories of a Disciple in the Making,” is a book about some of the major events of Jones’ life and how his spiritual pilgrimage and life journey were full of winding paths. Even though he tried to trust in the Lord, his roads were not always straight and included its share of detours, curves, and bumps. By sharing these stories of his life, it shows how they helped shape him in becoming a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ and in the process might assist others in their journey.

Jones, after a lengthy insurance industry career, earned his Master of Theological Studies Degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. His business world experience, combined with his theological insight and personal spiritual pilgrimage, has enabled him to assist people and congregations with incorporating the discipleship practices detailed in his books into their faith journey.

Jones lived in Alpena for six years while his wife, the Rev. Shirley Ross-Jones was pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church on 2nd Avenue.

Copies of his books are available locally through Olivet Book and Gift, located on the corner of Chisholm Street and 2nd Avenue in downtown Alpena.


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