

Eagles dinner Wednesday

ALPENA — The Alpena Eagles #1241 on M-32 will host a country-style pork rib dinner on Wednesday.

The dinner will be held from 5 to 7 p.m., for $10 per plate, open to the public at 1960 M-32 West, Alpena.

Friends Together to hear about Mashkiki Garden on Tuesday

ALPENA — For its Tuesday Topics presentation on Tuesday, Friends Together will welcome Maryam Blackeagle, owner of Mashkiki Garden, at 4:30 p.m.

She strives to help others see the power in nature. Mashkiki translates to Power of the Earth. Maryam has 40 years experience as a nurse and herbalist. She spends her time educating and empowering people so they can make better informed decisions about their health care. She believes in a holistic, complimentary approach to one’s health and well-being. She will show us ways to balance western and natural medicine. Join in to listen and learn from her decades of experience.

History Hounds: The Great Women of Mackinac at ACL

ALPENA — Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library will host History Hounds: Trailblazers and Icons: The Great Women of Mackinac, 1800-1950, to be held at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 19.

The presentation will be held at the library, 211 N. 1st Ave., and on Facebook.

The great women of Mackinac were trailblazers who established the community on Mackinac Island. They were leaders in the island’s fur trade, healthcare, literature, horse culture, and education, and their lives ran the gamut from scandal to tragedy. The personal stories of those women–including Madeline Laframboise, Agatha Biddle, Margaret Fuller, and Daisy Blodgett–reveal inventiveness and perseverance in a time when women had few rights.

History Hounds is a bi-weekly lecture series presented by the Historical Society of Michigan.

For more information about this presenation or the History Hounds lecture series, contact the George R. and Edith Angell Cook Special Collections Department at 989-356-6188, ext. 17.


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