
May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

ALPENA ­– National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month is observed in May, a time to educate teens, parents and the community about the impact of teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy has significant immediate and long-term social and financial consequences for both parents, their children and our communities.

“While May is a critical time to consider teen pregnancy and how it impacts individuals and the community,” said Cathy Goike, health educator, “it is important to note that this issue is one to focus on year-round.”

Despite historic declines in rates of teen pregnancy and births in the U.S., and a 4% reduction in the teen pregnancy rate in Michigan, the U.S. teen birth rate is still higher than that of many other developed countries. Michigan has the 32nd highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. In spite of progress made, there continue to be disparities by race, ethnicity, and in the most vulnerable populations–including youth who are homeless, living in foster care, or involved with the juvenile justice system–compared to the general population.

This month is about more than preventing teen pregnancy — it is about connecting youth to services and opportunities and ensuring positive outcomes for adolescents. When we partner together to work to prevent teen pregnancy, we help youth achieve their full potential, a release from District Health Department No. 4 states.

“Educating adults in adolescent health and development supports positive connections between caring adults and young people,” said Goike, “which strengthens the capacity of families and caregivers to support the health and well-being of young people.”

Throughout May, District Health Department No. 4 will focus on a number of issues to increase awareness about efforts to prevent or reduce youth risk behaviors, teen pregnancy, and the spread of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents. The health department’s Empowering Youth Today program helps fund Positive Youth Development programs within the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena and Natural Helpers in Rogers City.


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