
LaCross is visiting artist at Dragonfly

Ellen LaCross

HARRISVILLE — Ellen LaCross is the visiting artist for the month of September at Dragonfly Art Gallery in Harrisville.

LaCross has always been interested in art, which she studied at Alpena Community College and Western Michigan University. She works mostly in watercolor, acrylics and collage. Her latest love is abstract multimedia, experimenting with different mediums and adding found objects.

Dragonfly Art Gallery is also pleased to announce that Karen Cracchiolo will be displaying her artwork at the gallery for an additional month.

The Dragonfly will host an open house from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10, for guests to meet Ellen and Karen and enjoy their artwork.

The gallery is located at 116 East Main St. in Harrisville. For information, call 989-820-9614.


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