

LWV candidate forum participants announced

Two Virtual Candidate Forums are scheduled for Alpena County, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Northeast Michigan, in cooperation with Alpena Association of Lifelong Learners.

Tonight at 6:30 p.m. the virtual forum will include these invited candidates:

¯ Alpena School Board — Steven Donajkowski, Keri Johns, Eric Lawson, Stacey Parr, Gordon Snow.

¯ County Prosecuting Attorney — Denise Burke, Cynthia Muszynski.

¯ Judge for the 26th Circuit Court — Joel Bauer, Edward Black.

On Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. another virtual forum will be held for these invited candidates:

¯ District 1 County Commissioner — Don Gilmet, Mark Hunter.

¯ District 3 County Commissioner — David Karschnick, Kathy Thomas.

¯ Alpena Township Supervisor — Nathan Skibbe, Bruce Honeycutt, Kirk Malcomson.

LWV NM member Elaine Stenger will be the moderator for both Alpena County Virtual Forums.

A Virtual Candidate Forum for Alcona County will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 5. These are the candidates who have been invited:

¯ Alcona County Road Commissioner — Harry Harvey, Jake Petty.

¯ Alcona Community School Board — Warren MacNeill, Erika Rice, Brandon Schroeder, Melissa Upper.

¯ Alcona County Commissioner, 5th District — Kevin Boyat, John Small, Gary Wnuk.

LWV NM member Doris Feys will be the moderator for this virtual forum.

All virtual forums will be livestreamed to the LWV Face Book page of the LWV Northeast Michigan (https://www.facebook.com/lwvalpena). Questions for the candidates may be sent to LWVNortheastMI@gmail.com with the office and Alpena County or Alcona County listed in the subject line.

Swim lessons starting Oct. 7 at Plaza Pool

The Alpena Plaza Pool is offering swim lessons with the first session starting Oct. 7. Pre-registration is required by going to www.alpenaplazapool.com/swim-lessons.

Levels 1 and 2 meets from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m., and the fee is $50. Levels 3 to 6 meets from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m., and the fee is $50. Infant/toddlers meet from 6:20 to 6:50 p.m., and the fee is $25.

Masks are required everywhere except in the water for ages 5 and up. Social distancing is a must. There is a limit of 20 kids in the infant/toddler class, and no limit on the level swim lessons.

For more information, visit www.alpenaplazapool.com, or call 989-354-8287.

The Alpena Plaza Pool is located at Alpena High School at 3303 S. 3rd Ave. in Alpena.

Fish fry Friday in Mikado

The Mikado American Legion will be hosting its fish fry from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday at 2205 Alger Street, Mikado (one block from F-30 and F-41). The cost is $8 per dinner. Take-outs are encouraged.

Revival mtgs. next week

Evangelist Timothy Quick will be preaching in Evangelistic/Revival Meetings at Lighthouse Baptist Church, Sunday through Wednesday, Oct. 4-7. Services will be at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, and at 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. The church is five miles north of Alpena at U.S. 23 N and Long Lake Road.


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