
Alpena Lions Club remains active despite pandemic

According to Immediate Past President Tom Woizeschke “The Alpena Lions Club has not let COVID slow us down.”

The Lions Club recently completed a very successful street sale campaign for the annual White Cane Drive, collecting over $2,000 from donations at Perch’s IGA and a drive-through collection at the former Habitat Restore site. The White Cane Drive continues through the end of September for business donations. The funds from the White Cane Drive are used to help support Leader Dogs for the Blind, Eversight for cornea transplants and local assistance for citizens who need optic exams and glasses.

“We have been monitoring our community and responding to its needs,” Woizeschke added.

In April and May, the Club donated $2,000 to the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena so they had additional funds to purchase and deliver food to area members while the facility was closed.

In May, the Alpena Lions Club and District 11E-2, using Lions Club International Foundation grant monies, partnered with Austin Bros. Brewery to make 200 gallons of hand sanitizer for distribution in Northeast Michigan. Locally, the sanitizer was distributed to first responders, fire departments and nursing homes.

In June, the Club donated $500 to the Alpena Public Schools to provide scholarships to high school students who were completing online credit recovery classes. The Lions also assisted Feeding Kids Ministry to fill backpacks with food for distribution to needy families.

The Alpena Lions Club normally meets weekly on Tuesday at noon at JJ’s Restaurant, and has continued to hold their weekly meetings virtually with over 20 members participating regularly.

Anyone interested in joining the Lions Club may contact Lew Kunze at 989-356-1076 or Jon Emerson at 989-657-2504.


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