
ALL announces upcoming programs

Association of Lifelong Learners can now meet at M. Briggs Center

The Association of Lifelong Learners has received approval from Alpena Community College of its plan to resume very limited seating programs at the M. Briggs Center on ACC’s campus.

ALL held its first in-person program at the Briggs Center on Friday with a member participating in a livestreaming Zoom program from the classroom.

Programs this week

At 7 p.m. on Tuesday, ALL will be having its first in-person presenter at the Briggs Center with Richard Wolff, continuing his series on Civil Naval history with “Chasing the CSS Alabama.” Remember seating is limited, so call the office at 989-358-7207 to get a confirmed reservation. You can also participate in this program via Zoom.

Wolff will describe how the Union Navy sought, and finally cornered, the notorious Confederate commerce raider. Wolff is a retired Rockford Illinois lawyer who has spent summer vacations on Lake Avalon for more than 70 years. A hobby is research on the Union and Confederate Navy in the Civil War. ALL has been fortunate to be able to enjoy Wolff’s presentations for the previous five summers.

There is no line dancing this week. It will resume next Monday, Aug. 24.

This week’s programming, in addition to Tuesday’s offering, includes:

¯ Pickleball has been moved to Bay View Park for the time being. It is held from 8 to 10 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

¯ Focus on Fun Camera Club at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday both in-person at M. Briggs Center and via Zoom.

¯ Tour the Alpena Boys and Girls Club at 11 a.m. Thursday (in-person at 601 River St.) or livestreamed on Zoom.

Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Brad Somers will provide an in-person tour of the Boys and Girls Club at 601 River St. in Alpena. He will review current programs and challenges in meeting needs of local youth, historically and in the future. Please call our office at 989-358-7207 for a confirmed reservation.

Somers is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and has served local youth through most of his professional career as a volunteer director at Alpena Boys and Girls Club for four years, program director for Youth Volunteer Corp. for four years and as executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena since 2013.

¯ 6 p.m. Thursday: How to Research your Property! An Alpena County Library Special Collections and Michigan Historic Preservation Network Joint Program

If your walls could talk, what would they say? Learn how to investigate your building for clues on its age and design, and learn how to research your house’s paper trail, from Sanborn maps to city directories and tax records.

Presented by: Don La Barre, Alpena County Special Collections, and Mallory Bower, Michigan Historic Preservation Network.

You must make a reservation for this program. Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tr848Wn0T-KN7z_T57i19g.

Upcoming programs

Here is a snapshot of upcoming ALL programs:

¯ 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 24: How Government and Health is Intersecting During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dennis Schultz

¯ 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25: Alpena County and 911 Services with Mark Hall, Emergency Services Director.

¯ 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 27: How to Accommodate BLM Demands with Olin Joynton.


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