
Mattish family fundraiser in Hillman Oct. 26

Courtesy Photo The Mattis family — Brent, Brenda and D.J., lost their home and belongings in a house fire Aug. 8. A benefit is planned for them on Oct. 26 at the VFW Hall Hillman.

HILLMAN — A benefit dinner, auction and gun raffle will be held Saturday, Oct. 26, for a local family that lost thier home and belongings in a house fire on Aug. 8.

From 2 to 7 p.m., the public is invited to the VFW Hall in Hillman to support Brent, Brenda and D.J. Mattish. Donations are appreciated, and all proceeds will go directly to the family.

Raffle tickets are $20 each. First prize is a $500 gun voucher for A-1 Woods & Waters, and second prize is a CenterPoint Crossbow. The drawing will be held during the benefit dinner. Raffle tickets can be purchased at Woods & Waters, 141 State St., Hillman. Call the store at 989-742-3878.

Gift or cash donations can be made by calling 989-255-7933.


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