
Alpena Garden Club visits Rogers City, Metz

Courtesy Photo

Judy McFalda of the McFalda Law Firm of Rogers City invited the members of Alpena Garden Club to lunch at Kortman’s Restaurant for the October meeting. After an enjoyable lunch, a book raffle took place after which McFalda spoke on various subjects: The death of Sheriff Badder in 1971 and The Metz train wreck. The group then drove to Metz for a visit to the historic St. Dominic Catholic Church and gardens. Nancy Kandow and Kyle Wickersham then gave a presentation on the 1908 Metz Fire at the newly established park and pavillion honoring those who perished and suffered. The afternoon ended touring the gardens of Dan and Nancy kandow and Norbert and Aggie Woloszyk. The next meeting will be hosted by Doug Pratt of PRATTScape at the Alpena Mall at 11 a.m. on Nov. 4.


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