
College student releases new science fiction book

Pat Kelley has recently released his second novel, “Exoworlds Apart.”

On a quest to discover the whereabouts of the Rebel home world, pragmatic Earth Government Admiral Alioth attempts to set a trap. Meanwhile, Rebel forces kidnap a well-known scientist, hoping he will tip the balance in their favor.

Indigo 99’s crafty heroine, Sergeant Danika Fargo, becomes involved once again. Follow her adventures as she attempts to stop anyone who comes between her and her mission.

“Exoworlds Apart,” the sequel to “Indigo 99,” is an action-packed must read for all hard science fiction fans.

Kelley is currently studying mechanical engineering at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie. He is the son of Mike and Brenda Kelley of Herron, and the grandson of Carol LeFave of Alpena.

His books are available at amazon.com as e-books or paperbacks.

For more information, visit www.authorpatkelley.com.


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